Thursday, April 14, 2011

Una otra cena

Another dinner, in pictures:

Aperitif while checking email and catching up with office work. Brazilian booze (something fairly strong with lots of flavor), flavored with fruit from the palm tree in front of the house. Served in a cylindrical glass with one ice cube.

Roast beef, and roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes, cooked with the roast. Served with a healthy side of chimichurri sauce. I have decided that our fridge at home must always be stocked with chimichurri sauce, especially in the summer. It's hard to beat the flavors of fresh garlic, parsley, oregano, red pepper, salt, and oil.

As a side dish, another fresh salad of lettuce and ripe tomato, this time served with hard boiled eggs harvested from the chickens in the coop behind the house. They were the first eggs, so they were small, but the yolks were relatively large, and the flavor was great.

And for dessert, Isla Flotanta (floating island). It's an awesome cross between a meringue and an angel food cake (imagine an angel food cake but without flour). It's spongy and really light, and studded with a few chopped prunes, and covered in a caramelized syrup. In case that's not great enough, there's a sauce available, mostly made of capuccino liquor, to drizzle over the top of each piece.

Our happiness continued when we finished our field lunch the next day and enjoyed some Isla Flotanta leftovers for dessert.

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