Wednesday, April 13, 2011

La Cena Primera

Not surprisingly, we were greeted with a great meal for our first dinner back at La Corona. Sonia made some breaded chicken, rolled around bacon (or ham spice, if you are familiar). :)

The chicken was accompanied by a salad, which was made awesome by the fresh basil sprinkled over the tomatoes. I didn't realize how much I missed hearts of palm until this...

And as a side dish to the chicken were these little goodies. They were fried mashed potato balls, and were delicious. To go with these, we could choose to dip them in mayonnaise and/or ketchup, which I think made them even better.

And for dessert, we had cute little pears poached in red wine, served with gelado. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. When should we start placing orders for the next asado?
