Sunday, April 17, 2011

No trabajamos en el campo hoy

Well, we're not working in the field today. We woke up to the sound of high winds and thunder. As we ate breakfast, it seemed to be getting darker.

A couple hours later, the front of the storm hit, with continued high winds, lightening, and thunder so loud it shook the house. And then the rains really came down.

It has a tendency to flash flood here, which is another great reason (besides the high winds and the lightening strikes) to not be out in the field. The trees and vegetation (and soil samples) badly need the rain, so I was somewhat happy to see it come through.

It does, however, put a kink into our plans today. Luckily, our pace is going great, so I'm not too stressed about missing some field time. Instead, we'll be working on plant descriptions and other related work. And possibly cozying up with a good book or knitting for awhile.


  1. Hi Laura...those beets and eggs look good. At least your storm didn't bring a tornado. Besides all of the great food, your work looks very interesting.

    If you need a side-kick, Anna would love to come down.

    Rick L

  2. I've gotten a lot of volunteers for field work down here! :)
