Monday, April 25, 2011

Fin de semana Santa

We spend our Easter in the field, tackling some ungrazed grasslands. They haven't been grazed (except for a little incident we're correcting right now) for 18 months, and in that time the grasses have grown like crazy. It's a little hard to get used to, wading into a really tall meadow, unable to see the ground (or even below your thighs for that matter), and trusting that you've already rustled all the snakes out of your path.

It turns out the diversity within these grassland patches appears to be much lower than the grasslands that have continued to be grazed. So while it's a major exercise in looking at vegetation within multiple layers, and trying to spot things growing under other things, the mental strain of identifying dozens of different plants in one plot is much better.

When we returned to the house, we were greeted with hellos and Easter candy.


  1. That candy looks almost as good as cinnamon bread.

  2. Ah, damn. I had forgotten I'd be missing cinnamon bread. Maybe wrap up a piece and ship it down?

    OR - I'll trade you some asado cooking for some cinnamon bread! We need more relatives to take up that tradition anyway, I think. :)

  3. Maybe I have a whole loaf in the freezer waiting your return!
