Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Laisa en el campo

We were getting ready to leave for the field yesterday, and got a little surprise, just before we started the truck:

Apparently someone wanted to join us in the field.

She meowed at us a bunch, then jumped down and watched us as we drove away. We suggested she could eat all the spiders in our plots while we work, but I think she may be a bit of a flight risk.


  1. What kind of field rig did you get this time? And have Cat's driving skills improved? :)

  2. Looks like a really nice day. We had about an hour the other day that looked almost that nice before it got dark and started raining again.

  3. Maybe Erin could come down with a bunch of plastic cups and help trap the pidos in your plots.
    Does the population change with environment Grazed/Ungrazed, Forest/Grassland?
    What about nakes?

  4. 1. We have the same make and model Mitsubishi truck as last time - only this one is newer. We warned them that it is a field truck and won't come back nearly in as great a shape as it left the rental place. They laughed.

    2. Cat's driving is good, but Kike still thinks its hilarious when she's in the driver's seat. We always get a thumbs up that day.

    3. We actually trapped an earwig-caterpillar thing last night under a glass bowl in our bathroom. Cat wrote a note for the top that said it was a new present for Kike - hugs and kisses! We haven't heard yet how much he enjoyed it.

    4. There are a crap ton of spiders in the grasslands, but much less in the forests. The snakes are really skittish, so we really don't have an idea of how common they are out there. Oh, and we had the pleasure of horse flies at our site today. Between them and some squawky birds, I went a little nuts for awhile.

  5. I'll need to know approximately how many cups to bring down, so if you could let me know how many spiders are included in a "crap ton" that would be great.
