Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We celebrated Kike's birthday with an asado for lunch on Sunday. Sonia and Kike were kind enough to invite us to join in with their friends and family, and we chatted and enjoyed the food outside.

On the menu...

Molleja (sweetbreads, which are the thymus gland of a cow). They are marinated in lemon juice, and then salted while they cook over the coals until they have a crunchy coating. Sounds gross, but it's seriously one of the best things I've ever eaten. One of my goals is to get my fill of molleja before I come home.

Chorizo (not sure what the main meat content is, but I"m guessing pork; this one was stuffed with red pepper and cheese) and Mate for the locals

One salad of sliced beets and hardboiled egg (unusual combination, but seriously good)

Another salad of fresh tomato, hearts of palm, and fresh basil (like the Uruguayan version of a Caprese salad)

And all the meat you can stand (seriously, there was beef roast, chicken, and lamb ribs, and could have fed three times the people there that day - we went through probably 3 trays like the one below, and there was still meat on the grill)


  1. I love the rose garnish on the salad. Are hearts of palm a fairly common food down there?

  2. A girl at the party quietly asked if she could eat the rose. :)

    Hearts of palm do seem fairly common around here, although I think they usually come from a can. Regardless, they are delicious!
