Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mucho Mas Lluvia

We've had some more intense storms here lately, which is a fun twist with field work commitments.

Rain = fine.

Some wind = fine.

Thunder + lightning + wind + sideways rain = no field work for Laura and Scott.

As stressful as it is being further delayed by the thunderstorms of late, it's comforting to be inside La Corona, comfortable on the leather couches with a laptop while the wind howls outside and the thunder shakes the doors and windows. It's also very nice to have a day in every once in a while during a storm because Sonia brings out the comfort food. Yesterday's lunch was the lentil stew with beef and potatoes again. It's an absolute favorite.

Because we were prevented from field work, we took the opportunity to drive to town to make rite in the rain copies of datasheets and new method diagrams at the nursery office. It was interesting to drive around again after some heavy rains. The storm the night before was so intense that the wind actually pushed rain into the house through the seams in the window and door frames. For the second time here, we found towels and helped Sonia and Quique mop up around the doors and windows in the common room and adjacent kitchen.


  1. Hi,
    Looks like a nice day. A lot like it's been here the last week or so.
    Are these storms typical for this time of year or did you just luck out?
    What is the structure in the third photo?

  2. Quique is blaming me for bringing the weather. Apparently they've had a 3 year drought... that is, until the week we showed up.

    There are two small, old towers just down the hill from the house. I think they might be water towers? I'm really just making that up because I don't remember.
