Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Long time, no blog...

It's been a few days since I posted an entry. There's a few good reasons why. The weather has held out for a few days in a row, and we've been working long days. We've got just a little more work to do, and the sooner we finish, the sooner we have some time to have a little fun. We've worked weekends and into the evening, pretty much just having time to shower before bed.

The other reason it's been so long, is this...

We've got ourselves a new field hand, complete with gate opening skills. It's nice to have someone to wrangle the fencing, laugh at the nandus with us, and also collect data on pine seedlings.

It turns out he also has some skills with the photography. Butterflies are abundant here, and plants like thistle really draw them in.

There also seems to be more activity lately with ranching. We've seen gauchos on horseback, accompanied by their dogs, moving cattle herds through the plantations. It seems like hard work, but it must also be nice, riding your horse and chatting with your amigos while moving slowly through the trees.

We've got the final push with field work tomorrow, and then hopefully we can unwind. We're planning to celebrate a successful field season on Thanksgiving, with Uruguayan food and local vino.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that you are getting some time in the field without the rain. Going to try roasting a nandu for Thanksgiving Dinner? I would love to see a movie of the chase to catch it! Happy Thanksgiving! Mom & Dad
