Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lago de la Juventud

This past Sunday was our first full day of exploration. Juliana and all the other local employees had a long holiday weekend because of the Dia de los Muertos holiday on Monday, so we had a little time to see the sights in Tacuarembó and around La Corona.

On Sunday we went into town and went to a small lake (Lago de la Juventud; not found on Uruguay maps - we've only seen it on aTacuarembó city map if you're lucky enough to come across one). It was extremely hot and humid on Sunday, and we joined all the locals in spending a little time at the lake. After being at La Corona for several days now and enjoying the peaceful setting, this was a switch. The most noise at La Corona is either the wind, the parrots during the day, or the frogs and crickets in the nearby pond at night. The lake was so full of traffic, music, and commotion it threw us a little.

There were so many kids swimming in the lake, and most parents were enjoying the shade provided by the small patches of trees surrounding the edge of the water. People played music from their car stereos, hauled coolers for picnics in the trees, and watched kids play, tossing soccer balls or each other across the water.

On the way back to La Corona, we did a little more exploring. There are so many viewpoints along the road, that it's easy to make the 20 minute trip along Ruta 418 take an hour or two.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see some more of the cultural side of things. I'm glad you've had some time to explore and get to know the area!
