Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mas gatitos

The kittens are over a month old now. They're just starting to venture out a bit on their own when Mama cat allows, and she seems to need a break from the kiddos more and more. Apparently that's what happens when you have triplets.

The little grey one is still pretty feisty. It's the first one out when you walk in the door.

Little grey really likes to explore. When I first came in the door, it hopped out of the box and checked out Mama cat's food and water dish. It stuck part of its face in the water before realizing that probably wasn't a good idea, and then just looked confused at the chicken in the food bowl.

After getting bored with the food, Little grey then checked out the woodbox next to the stove under which the kittens live. Apparently that is fascinating territory to explore.

And just for scale, these kittens really are still just babies. Little grey (and the other two, who are both black and white) are really so small.

Apparently two of them managed to get into a lot of rouble with Sonia the other day when she discovered them on the roof. Luckily, they are all now back safe and sound with Mama cat, and I'm sure they've learned their lesson.

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