Monday, November 16, 2009

La Casa Azur

Yesterday, Sonia invited us into town for lunch, see the city, and go to la escuela fiesta de familia, the school party for Luana that happens at the end of every year. We started by meeting Sonia and her family at her former house, where her mother-in-law lives now. We call it "the blue house" because she was pointing it out the last time we were in the city, and it was the blue house along the block in between white and other neutral colored houses.

We were warmly welcomed into their home, and had lunch with Sonia, Quique, Luana, and Quique's parents (Luana's grandparents) that were all spending the day together before the big party that night.

It was really fun seeing Sonia, Quique, and Luana away from La Corona. At La Corona, there's a division between us (the guests) and the family (the staff). Away from the estate, we were in their home, and they were so welcoming. They were very gregarious and were very proud to show us their home and their life.

Quique, who is very quiet at La Corona, and will smile and quietly say hello, starting telling stories and poking fun at both of us.

Sonia was so welcoming into her home. She brought us out snacks, and showed us their music collection while Luana brought out a bunch of family photos. We even got to see the photos from Sonia and Quique's wedding, which was held in the city.

Their former house (they live at La Corona now in their own space, but lived here before moving) is different from what we're used to in the states. It's more like the size of an apartment; the front door opens up to the living and dining space. The bedrooms are off to the right, and the kitchen and bathroom are in the back of the house (the open counter in the back of the photo is the kitchen).
It was great to see the home life of Sonia and her family. Their home is so lively, and they themselves are so loud and gregarious. Their home is full of life.
We sat down for lunch and they gave us a wrapped bottle of wine from a local bodega. We're used to bringing a hostess gift, and felt bad we didn't have anything to give them when they welcomed us into our home. It was a unique experience to be given a gift as a guest.

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