Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Dessert is always interesting here, and I'm always curious to see what will follow up our meals.

One standard dessert, and it never gets old, is flan. Sonia makes it herself, and always accompanies it with a big serving of dulce de leche. Surprisingly, she hasn't started making jokes about serving me "light" dulce de leche. Apparently it's important to maintain a nice figure for your husband.
Similar to flan is espuma, which is like a peach flavored flan. It's a thick custard like flan, but usually very chilled and fresh tasting.

Last night we had a torta coco, which was a coconut cake. It had a dulce de leche filling (yum) and was topped with homemade whipped cream.

The other day following lunch, we had candied figs. The figs came from Sonia's family's country home, and I assume she canned these herself. They were in a thick simple syrup, and were fantastic. They're Sonia's favorite, too.
Another fruit dessert we've had is wine-stewed pears. Sonia peeled the pears and then simply stewed them in red wine, and possibly syrup. She always serves them with gelado, just in case they aren't enough on their own.
Now I'm going to have to find a snack, because these photos are making me hungry.


  1. Alastair and I have done pears in red wine similar to that before, although Sonia's probably taste better than ours! Plus, her chocolate drizzle is much prettier than the chocolate glob we throw in top.

  2. I vote for the torta coco or the peach flan!

  3. Did I mention I needed to lay down a towel over my keyboard? Geez! Are you getting any recipes? Perhaps Sonia could retire here and open up a little restaurant?!
