Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Amigos en el Campo

We were both nose-down in vegetation plots the other day when we heard footsteps approaching. Once we looked up, we noticed that they had not only approached us, but had jumped in the back of our vehicle like they were ready to go on a ride.

They looked oddly familiar; it turns out they stay at the stable down the hill from La Corona, and I assume work with some gauchos. They must have had time off, however, because they came on their own. They were a little skittish at first, but after we bent down, extended our hands, and gave a few pets, we had two new friends. They stayed around for awhile, wandering around our plot, and greeting each of us with more kisses in exchange for more pets.

They then decided they’d had enough, and wandered off to return home.


  1. I love the scruffy little dog in the back of your truck. "Hey guys! What's going on? Wanna take me home??"

  2. Funny how the travel Dr. actually told you to stay away from cats and dogs, but they seem to seek you out! :)
