Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Almuerzo en Salto

During our road trip the other day, we had lunch at La Caldera in Salto. Apparently, only tourists flock to restaurants on major holidays, so we were joined by one other couple at the restaurant, and that was towards the end of our meal. The restaurant was a beautiful place, though, and we had an excellent meal.

We both ordered an ensalada Genovese, which was a salad of tomato, mozzarella, basil, and hearts of palm. The basil came in powdered dry form, which was surprising, but the salad was still really good.

Scott ordered a steak with mustard sauce, which looked beautiful, and I enjoyed the sole/flounder (whatever translates from Lenguado – which is NOT tongue; that’s lengua). It tasted like it had been sautéed simply in butter, and the lime wedge that accompanied the fish gave it a nice bite.

Since we’re now officially addicted to desserts after every meal again, we each ordered one. Scott followed the waiter’s recommendation and had the gelado special, which turned out to be a gelado made with marscapone cheese – it turned out halfway between ice cream and cheesecake. It was drizzled with a fresh berry sauce.

I ordered the chocolate mousse, and holy god was it good. It looked a little odd – like ice cream that had half melted. But it tasted like chilled chocolate cake batter. I easily finished off the whole thing, and would have been happy to nap away the rest of the afternoon.


  1. Looks like a beautiful restaurant! Do you know where the one other couple was from and if they were actually tourists on vacation?

  2. They were wearing matching warm up suits, so I'm fairly certain they were tourists. :) At least they didn't have fanny packs (that I noticed anyway).
    I don't know where they were from. They didn't have that labeled on their t-shirts or anything.

  3. Fanny pack! I knew there was something else I needed to put on my list.

  4. Did the other couple happen to mention they were going to Brazil to look for some magical tree root so they can see their afterlife?

  5. Sadly, no, John. Those people are saved especially for you. :)

  6. Holy tights! I have to quit reviewing your food choices over my keyboard, or at least set down a towel first. Keep up the good work of providing photos! I'm lovin' it!
