Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Muchos Gauchos

We’ve seen a lot of gauchos this field season, herding cattle and moving sheep from pasture to pasture. Most of the time we spot them along the highway, and give each other a long-distance wave.

The other morning, however, they were moving cattle right at La Corona. We were heading down the road, about to start our journey to a field site, when we encountered the oncoming traffic.

We backed up to give them room so they could move the herd across the road over to the loading area. I’m sure the gauchos were amused and/or perplexed why we had our cameras out and were smiling. I’m fairly certain we’re known as the Crazy Americans who stay at La Corona.


  1. I'm excited for the gauchos to see the Crazy American's parents! Only a few more days until they're headed down there! Woo hoo!

  2. Were the cows going on a road trip? ;)
