Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mis comidas favoritas

We have had some fantastic food at La Corona, but I do have some favorites, and Sonia knows it. She makes a show with some things, especially flan with dulce de leche, because I will enjoy anything with that delicious sauce.

Buñuelos: little fried bits of goodness. These are pieces of dough made out of cooked rice, some flour and egg, and cheese, seasonings, and whatever else Sonia likes to add. We had some recently with some fresh fish that were made up of rice and spinach, and were fan-freaking-tastic. The more simple ones, of rice and cheese, are also fantastic. They’ve been typical accompaniments with sautéed or fried fish – apparently Uruguay’s version of fish and chips.

Mousse: Sonia’s mainstay dessert for us. I love lemon mousse with strawberries. I love lemon mousse plain. I love chocolate mousse. I love dulce de leche mousse. I love whatever toppings and addition Sonia is inspired to use.

Cheesy Creamy Pasta: this really needs no explanation. Sonia often spends part of the weekend in downtown Tacuarembó, leaving Kike in charge of hosting duties. She always leaves some food behind for him to heat up, or on this occasion, to take back with him for our dinner when he left Tacuarembó after a day trip. He brought to the table a piping hot dish of baked pasta – slathered in cream, cheese, and slices of ham. I was in a very happy food coma after this one.


  1. Poor Mom and Dad having to suffer through this type of cuisine for the week. I hope they make it through the ordeal.

  2. I thought this was a "Adventures in Uruguay" turns out its the first and only Uruguayan food blog :) Fine by me!
