Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Me Gusta Mucho La Corona

There are a lot of things I love about La Corona, and I’m pretty sure Scott’s okay with being here, too. The Garcia family are awesome, the food is fantastic, desserts are wonderful, and the setting is perfect. I just thought I’d share a bit of what we see day to day.

The view is fantastic, since La Corona sits on a hilltop overlooking a huge expanse. Lately, the mist settles in early morning, and doesn’t burn off until later in the morning, so we’ve had a pretty ethereal view.

We’ve also got a view on the lawn itself. Kike has been weedwacking “La Corona” into the lawn right outside the back deck. I’m curious how many people actually see it, since there are only a few guests that come and go from La Corona, and small planes overhead are very rare. Still, it’s nice that he spends the time. J

Then there’s these two, who entertain daily while we put our field boots on or walk around the house. They usually follow us around the property if they’re not already busy trying to sucker the family out of some food or are indisposed with a nap.

And this fellow, this morning, was hanging out by the field truck. Last time there was a bottle fed calf that lived nearby, and I have a feeling it’s the same story with this one. He lets you get pretty close before he wanders off, and he’s still pretty young. He was a nice start to our morning.

1 comment:

  1. He'll probably go hang around with the lambs at the water tower before long.
