Wednesday, May 25, 2011


During a recent afternoon, after picking up some field supplies at a local hardware store, we drove into the zoo in Tacuarembo to see about finding some capybaras.

First we had to meet the goats.

Then, we spied some big cats, so we had to check them out. It was late in the afternoon, after a nice day, so they were pretty intent on just lounging.

Then we had the mother of all zoo experiences, spending time with some capybaras (carpinchos). They are the largest rodent species in the world; they look like huge weird hamsters and are the size of a medium dog on little legs. Plus, they make little clicking and laser noises while they wiggle their ears, so they are super cool.

We probably spent a good half hour with them, feeding them grass and laughing at their noises. Hopefully they didn't take offense.

On the way out, we checked out some cool birds. This one seemed like it wanted to speak, but apparently it didn't want to mimic our English or rudimentary Spanish.

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