Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Thought you might like to see a run down of the flavors offered at Bora Bora, the local heladeria.

Clockwise from top left:
American Cream: similar to butter pecan (delicious)
Crema: simple vanilla
Crema granizada: vanilla with chocolate chips
And also, in the bottom middle, Chocolate bora bora: semisweet chocolate, named after the place

Frutilla: strawberry
Limon: lime
Dulce de leche con cirueles: thick, deep caramel with dried fruit (maybe fig? prune?)

Menta granizada: chocolate chip mint
Anana: pineapple
Arandanos: blueberry

Marmolado de frutilla: creamy strawberry
Creme de pasos: vanilla with raisins
Lemoncello: dreamy lemoncello flavor (delicious; I speak from experience)
Chocolate suizo: Swiss chocolate (one of Sonia's favorites)

Between several of us, we've now tried many of the flavors. It's funny to see who sticks with fairly familiar flavors (me: lemoncello, semi-sweet chocolate, dulce de leche), who always goes for something a little new (Cat: mint chocolate chip, vanilla with raisins), and who purposely orders flavors of which he has no idea what they will taste like (John: American cream, dulce de leche with weird dried fruit). It's a fun way to experiment. :)

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