Saturday, May 7, 2011

A la Ta-Ta

I thought I'd show some photos from the local grocery store, the Ta-Ta. It's fun to say, and it's always an entertaining shopping trip. It was recently even more entertaining, as we were not only the sole white chicks in the store, but we were walking around with a camera snapping photos. Funny looks resulted. :)

960 ml of beer (just over 1 qt) for sale out of milk crates.

Giant bags of dried pasta (pick your favorite shape): $10 in US dollars

Globe shaped zucchini (look like winter squash, taste like summer squash): about 50 cents a pound

A big slice of cheese (gouda) and fruit paste (this one is actually sweet potato): less than $2 US dollars

Random assortments of dried salami and cheeses, all stored at room temperature (as are all the eggs, and deli items)

Lentils and other grains - this week on sale!

A gigundo assortment of olive oil (again with the Italian influence...)

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