Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tortas individuales

Just as our work schedule seemed to get heavier, making sure we get everything done while we're here this season, our meals seemed to have gotten even better. It's so unbelievably comforting to come "home" after long, mentally exhausting days to a fire, cozy surroundings, and awesome comfort food.

We had a multiple course meal the other night (even more than just a dinner and dessert). We started with a creamy vegetable soup, that looked so simple but tasted like the best comfort food.

Our main entree, while it looked unassuming, was so full of flavor. We had lemon-sauteed fish, and vermicelli noodles that were simultaneously fried and quick steamed. They were nutty, hot, and slightly chewy. I'm definitely going to have to try this at home.

Our dessert was seriously incredible. Sonia made us personal sized cakes, complete with chocolate garnish.

The cake was several layers, alternating cake with whipped cream, dulce de leche, and peaches. Then it was frosted, and the outside packed with crushed meringue cookies.We were so grateful this was at the end of the day - after a short sugar high and getting a few last-minute emails, we quickly retired and slept off our food coma. :)

Now we're off to do more work!


  1. Would it be gross to have an "asado" but just feature all the desserts Sonia makes? I'm still digesting breakfast but could totally go for one of those cakes! I like that fruit seems to be incorporated into a lot of the desserts (that makes it healthy, right?).

  2. We totally justified the dessert by saying, "well, it's refreshing and healthy - it contains peaches!" Not sure how effective that really is...

    I've totally thought that before - just a get together with a giant spread of all the desserts. I'm a little scared about the sugar high-food coma that would result.

  3. It couldn't be much worse than the time we ate nothing but Pirate's Booty and chocolate-covered raisins while watching Grey's Anatomy for 48 hours straight.

  4. The vermicelli noodles look a lot like the "stuff" we clean out of the crab pots. This year we'll have to save some and fry it up.

    Are there extra credit points for commenting on the older blogs since they also generate an email?

  5. I believe email credits are only given if actual emails are sent - not computer generated ones that let me know you're backlogged on reading the blog. :)

    And yes, I'm on board with trying crab butter this year. It can't be any weirder than eating blood sausage and thymus glands, which are seriously delicious. And things we get to enjoy a week from tomorrow!
