Saturday, May 14, 2011

Montevideo, Dia Dos

Our second morning in Montevideo was spent picking up the Hubs from the airport. We had a few plans before heading north back to La Corona.

We wandered the streets in the Cuidad Viejo (Old City) area, browsing a bookstore and other shops.

We passed enough time browsing in town mostly so we could hit our favorite asado place for lunch. We headed to the Mercado del Puerto (port market) for some people watching and some great food. We saddled up to the bar and ordered off the grill (blood sausages, beef, sweet potato with a heavy glaze). We told the chef we'd been there a couple times last December, and after handshakes and greetings all around, he promptly got us drinks, bread, and waited until we figured out what we wanted to feast on.

This had been the first thing he wanted to do immediately after landing, so John was quickly in his happy place. It's amazing what a cold beer and delicious food can do for someone.

We then tried to walk off a bit of lunch before folding ourselves into our truck for the 5 hour drive north. We browsed a few vendor's tables and bought a few things.

Sonia warmly greeted us on our return to La Corona. It was funny being gone a few days - we missed the place. And, of course, John was happy to finally be here too. We were welcomed into the house with a warm fire and a quick dinner. It was too bad we were still mostly full from lunch, because the fish and salads really were delicious.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a pretty neat bookstore. Do they have a foreign/English section?
