Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mas Comidas a La Corona

I thought I would include another (soon to be one of many) post about our meals here at La Corona. While we spend the majority of our time out in the field collecting data, the best parts of the day are usually the meals back at the house.

Breakfast usually starts the same way. We have several beverage options: juice, water, coffee, and tea. Yogurt is always provided for cereal, as well as fresh fruit (almost always mango, kiwi, and strawberry). Toast, ham and cheese, jams, and butter are always available, and usually Sonia also includes some kind of baked good – homemade quick bread or muffins. There’s also usually a small plate of apples and bananas, which we can either eat for breakfast, or occasionally take out to the field with us.

We return in time for dinner, and it’s usually with anticipation. Last night Sonia made us pizza, which now tops the list of some of my most favorite meals here. The crust is more fluffy and soft in texture than traditional pizza, and she topped it with an herbed tomato sauce, ham and cheese.

To go with the pizza, she also made a tabbhouli  salad, which I had no idea was ever made in Uruguay (I think it has Greek origins). Sonia tossed cooked wheat or bulgur with tomatoes, lots of fresh parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. It was so refreshing and full of flavor, and went amazingly well with the pizza.

For dessert, we had an awesome mousse – lime flavored with fresh strawberries. It tastes so refreshing you almost forget about the weight gain. J


  1. That looks really good but it can't be better than Kike's pizza.

  2. The first thing I asked Sonia was whether it was her pizza, or Kike's. She said "Mine!" with a big smile.

  3. Ahhh ham and toast, strange yet good :)
