Sunday, October 31, 2010

Laisa es Muy Cansada

Both the cats, Laisa and Tontin, have welcomed us to La Corona, and have quickly settled into the routine of finding us for pets when we’re at the house.

At the risk of yet again being a crazy cat lady, I thought I would let Laisa help demonstrate what it is like to spend an afternoon at La Corona:

While she’s napping, we’ve been getting quite a bit of work done. The grassland areas are in bloom, which makes identification much easier.

We’ve started sampling in the forest areas, and I’m getting used to the sound of cows surrounding our study plots again. They decided to spend some time the other day figuring out our field truck.

I am constantly entertained by the juxtaposition of simple and modern, or old and new, here in Uruguay. It seemed funny to look up and see a sporty field truck surrounded by a small herd of cattle. Or driving amongst other cars in Tacuarembó, following horses and carts, and having motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles veer in and out of traffic. Or the fact that we’re using wireless USB modems to connect to the internet, but the electricity at the house will go in and out during most windstorms. It’s funny and it seems uniquely Uruguayan.


  1. The kitties are probably up all night eating pidos.
    Were you and Cat able to get a truck with stick? This one looks almost new.

  2. Wow, that's a pretty sweet field truck! Have you and Cat gone muddin' yet?

  3. Sadly, the field truck is an automatic. We had a temporary field truck while they tried to find us a 4x4 truck (so we wouldn't get annoyingly stuck at one of the sites), and I was kind of sad to give that one up once I found out our regular one wouldn't have a stick. :(

  4. And here come the cat pics ;) Just think what it will look like with a motorcycle in the back of your truck!

  5. Okay, okay, I promise there won't be many more cat pics...unless they do something super cute again...
