Friday, November 5, 2010

Los Animales en el Campo

We usually see quite a few animals in the field, mostly thanks to the popularity of beef and lamb here. At most of my study sites we find a small herd of cattle, slowly working their way through my grazed plots. Oddly, they scare pretty easy if you’re walking around the grassland, but if you’re driving a vehicle, they will try to stare you down before moving off the road.

Horses are also common in my study sites, but usually in smaller groups. These three were at one of my study sites, munching around the grazed plot and occasionally watching us. They ended up being pretty tame, and we were able to get fairly close to them before they sauntered away. I think horses are such stately animals; except for the one that entertained us by rolling around upside down in a pond during a major heat wave.

Of course, we also have seen plenty of ñandús along the road on the way to the field. They are big and awkward, and completely graceless, but surprisingly elusive when you try to photograph them. My ultimate goal is to capture them on video, preferably running alongside the field truck.

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