Monday, November 15, 2010

Escuela Fiesta de la Familia

On Sunday night, after a very productive field day (woo hoo!), we ventured into town to attend a local school party, to celebrate the end of Luana’s school year. Each class had a different dance routine, and they took turns on stage to perform.

Preschoolers and small elementary schoolchildren started the night. The first adorable group wandered around on stage as Flinstones characters, complete with the Flinstone’s car. The funniest thing about the young kids is that they don’t actually have a routine; they wander on stage, walk around, possibly melt into a tantrum, and perhaps even wander off stage. I think the school administrators really just let loose and hope for the best.

The next young group was dressed as puppies, and had the odd combination of the Titanic theme song in the background. We couldn’t quite make sense of the relationship between a sinking ship disaster and adorable kids dressed as puppies, but whatever. They were cute anyway.

The night would not be complete without children dressed as the Disney “princesses,” including Belle and the Beast, Snow White, Jasmine and Aladdin, and Cinderella.

Speaking of Cinderella, the next group “acted” out the story of Cinderella…complete with the pumpkin carriage. Right after this photo, the horses and carriage became unglued from the backdrop, flopped on the stage, and left poor Cinderella stranded before her grand exit.

Luana’s class performed the Macarena, which I am surprised to say is just as catchy now as it was when it first became popular.

The older groups had more developed routines, including the entire routine of Thriller, You’re the One that I Want (from Grease), and this awesome guy who pretended to be John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Complete with pelvic thrusts. In front of all the parents. Awesome.

The closer for the show was a bunch of Uruguayan boys dressed as the Village People, dancing to YMCA. Sadly, I was so focused on taking videos of this routine I don’t have photos to share. I cannot express how hilarious it was to see a young Uruguayan boy in a huge motorcycle helmet and aviator sunglasses, dressed up as a hardcore bike rider. Or the adorable boy with a huge fake mustache and leather jacket, posing as a cop. I’m still giggling.


  1. This looks like an amazing night of entertainment!

  2. With this level of entertainment, it's like being on a cruise ship! ;)
