Monday, October 26, 2009

Laura: 2, Travel Nemeses: 0

After 24+ hours of travel, we're now safely landed in Montevideo. I forgot how beautiful the beaches are, and even though the weather is chilly, it's beautiful and clear. John told me that the weather forecast back home posted the first winter weather advisory of the season, and I just had a giggle at our luck in timing of this trip.

So far, it's going pretty well. I made it the entire way (3 separate flights) without puking (not even once), which is a first for me, and a major victory with an assist from my new flight friend, Dramamine. Also, our bags greeted us when we made it through customs at the airport, so this trip is already going well. That's two major battles won that hampered my trip last time, so I'm pretty happy.

It's been a long day; actually, it's been a long two days really since we overnighted on our international flight. Nothing like functioning after 3 hours of sleep on an airplane.

It's time for dinner and then hopefully a great night's sleep. The adventure really begins tomorrow...


  1. Hi,

    Glad to hear the trip went well and your luggage made the trip also.


  2. Hi, glad to hear you made it. Take care,
    Love, Pat & Ron

  3. Sounds like the trip is going well so far. You're two wins up from last time and it's only the first day!

    Mrs. Brownlee
