Sunday, October 11, 2009

The countdown begins...

This time, two weeks from now, I'll be on the first leg of my flights down to Uruguay. There's just a little bit of prep still left to be done, including stocking up on anti-nausea patches and ginger for the plane rides.

The pieces are coming together, and it's exciting. Our housing arrangements have been made, meetings are being scheduled, and I am focusing on organizing my field work. I'm amazed at how many things there are to think about - not only are we conducting field work involving methods I haven't used before, but I also have to think about what equipment to ship down ahead of time and what I can buy locally, how to build permanent plots in a land of cattle, sheep, and emus, and how exactly I can ship plant speciments into the US from a foreign country. It's fun, it's exciting, and it's a bit stressful.

John has been approved for vacation and will be joining the trip during the last week and a half. We will both miss Thanksgiving with the family, and I'm sure at that point I'll be really craving stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin desserts, but right now I'm just excited that he'll be coming down. We'll have to start planning fun things to do on our rare time off!

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