Monday, November 22, 2010

Muy Mucho Sol

It's been really pretty hot and humid lately, and we've been working out in the open grasslands, so we're exposed to the sun most of the day. We try to be diligent about sunblock, sunglasses, and hats, but we're still getting quite a bit of sun.

I'm not sure if you can actually tell, but I'm quite tan (for me) in the photo. My hair is also getting some nice natural highlights from all the sun exposure. For a better understanding of how tan we're actually getting, I'm also including the photo below:

Yep, that's my arm...and that's a watch line. And yes, I really was that white (pasty, in fact). Now I've got a lovely tan, which is accented by various bug bites (the lovely red dots on my arm).

Here's another view, in which you can see the lovely tan lines created by tank tops in the field. Don't mind the uncombed hair and sweatpants-made-into-capris - this is my normal "look" in Uruguay.

Sonia took the above photo of us (Cat and I) with Luana, and the flowers we bought Luana to celebrate her end of the school her and successful finish to her two-day English exams. It was also the day of her communion, so it was a big day for her. We asked Sonia earlier in the day where we might find a florist in town, and she came back with three addresses for three individual shops. Apparently she was excited about the idea. When we came back with the flowers and delivered them to Luana, we got cheek kisses from her, and profuse thanks from both Sonia and Kike. I think they were pretty touched - as evidenced by the fact that Sonia took pictures of all of us and the flowers with both her camera and mine.


  1. Laura would be the abnormally tall one?

  2. Yeah, go figure. I apparently discovered a country where I am, perhaps, taller than average. :)

  3. Which really just means Erin would be like a freakin giant here.

  4. I'm not even that tall! (Although clothing manufacturers would suggest otherwise.)
