Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mas Animales!

We’ve had several great recent encounters with animal cuteness lately, in the field and around La Corona.
On the way out to a field site the other day, I spotted what looked like a rock, but had a tiny face poking out. We pulled over, grabbed our cameras, and spent some time with this guy. I’m not exactly sure what he was doing near the forest edge, away from the water, but he seemed content to hang out for awhile.

We then saw all of these guys on the way out of the same area – babies, teenagers, and full adults. We of course parked our field truck again, grabbed our cameras, and tried our best to capture them with photos. They were a little shyer than the turtle, and slowly ambled away.

And I of course have to share these…In the stable area where Kike saddled up the horses for our ride the other day, we got to meet a bunch of these fellas. There were two young white short-hair dogs that were super eager for pets, and then there were some of the cutest little guys I’ve seen in awhile, but were really shy around us.

Maybe if we keep going down to the stable, they’ll get acclimated and want more pets. J

1 comment:

  1. The white puppy is going have a hard time ever looking smart with those big floppy ears. The other one looks like it's about the size of Bergen when he was born.
