Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mucha comida

It probably comes as no surprise that we're still eating well at La Corona. We're completely spoiled here. :)

Below is milanesa, a breaded and fried beef (like chicken fried steak), served with fried mashed potato balls and a salad of lettuce and tomato. There is always a wire basket on the table that holds salt and pepper, as well as olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Salads are always dressed simply.

Dessert after this meal was a coconut cake with a layer of dulce de leche through the middle.

Another fantastic meal was lomo - which is similar to a filet mignon cut. Each lomo was wrapped in bacon, and then topped with a mushroom cream sauce. It's ironic here that the beef is much better quality than a lot of what we find in the states, since it is raised in large open pastures, and grass fed, but it's not often that it is served anything less than medium well to well done. The only time we've ever had it rare or medium rare is when we've specifically asked for it in a restaurant. And even then, we get questioned by the parilla chef, to make sure we actually do want it pink.

The lomo was served with a giant  bowl of rice. It was yellow in color and had quite a bit of flavor for plain rice. Maybe it was cooked in broth.

Another dessert we have quite often is gelado. We are served a Uruguayan brand (Conaparole) - this one was vanilla with dulce de leche ribbons and tiny chocolate malt balls throughout. Strawberry sauce was drizzed over the top, and it was accompanied by a lemon wafer stick.

Yet another meal was cheese ravioli topped with a pesto cream sauce. Absolutely delicious.

And, one of my all time favorite desserts, arroz con leche. I never knew rice pudding could be this awesome. This version is heavy on the milk to rice ratio, and seasoned with cinnamon, orange peel, and sometimes slivers of almond.

There have been the usual jokes about us gaining kilos while we're in Uruguay. I have a feeling after our Uruguayan meals, and coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we'll be greeting the new year with a hefty diet.

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