Wednesday, November 20, 2013

El asado y el gaucho

Ben has now attended 2 asados, and will have a 3rd under his belt before we leave for home. He seemed a little perplexed by the first one, but discovered that the fire was super fun to watch.

Short ribs (carne de asado) and tri-tip (colita de quadril) were included in the meal.

We, of course, also had salads and the delicious provolone cheese, melted in a skillet on the grill.

Ben's second asado was better - he arrived in full gaucho costume (Sonia's gift to Ben).

He found the fire right away.

Apparently he loves being a gaucho.

I'm glad he loves Uruguay, too.


  1. Absolutely love the close up picture of him smiling, what a cute little gaucho!

    P.S. Hurry home!

  2. That picture is one of my favorites of him out of all.
    Wishing we could fast forward through all the upcoming travel and just be home instantly...
