Friday, November 8, 2013

Mas comidas!

Just thought I'd give a good run-down of what we've been eating lately (since we always get asked):

We finished up our sites the other day with some daylight and warm temperatures to spare, and were greeted in the living room with cocktails! Kike made us these drinks with a liquor from Brazil, mixed with some sugar and lemons. It tasted like a lemon drop or a simple margarita. 

One of our recent meals was friend chicken breasts, breaded with a crunchy coating. They were served with round fritters, that I think were a mixture of potato and onion. They were pretty awesome.

The chicken and fritters were served with some delicious deviled eggs, with eggs gathered from their own chickens here at the estate. We decided they didn't have any mustard in the yolk mixture, so were more mild than the deviled eggs we typically have back home.

One of our desserts lately was something we have every time, but is still a bit of a mystery. I love it, but I'm just not sure how to make it. The texture is unlike anything else - smooth like gelato, but molded kind of like a flan or custard. This time it was peach flavored with a delicious sauce on the side. It's always good and refreshing.

Another meal recently was cheese ravioli with a beef bolognese sauce. So good!

Another dessert was a great way to use some of the leftover fruit we didn't eat at breakfast - made into a salsa, and served with a strawberry sorbet.

And, my all time favorite, crepes (called panqueques here) filled with dulce de leche sauce and drizzed with chocolate. I was so grateful I didn't have more to do that day, so I could just retire to bed with a food coma. 

And luckily Ben is starting to sleep better, so we could all enjoy our food-induced sleep.

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