Friday, November 8, 2013

Benjamin... also known as [Ben' ha meen]

In Spanish, the "J" in names is pronounced like an "H," so Ben is called "Ben" or "Ben-ha," which always makes me smile. And apparently he likes it, too.

John took him out for a walk out to a cerro near the house while we were in the field yesterday, and documented what was apparently a GREAT time outside.

Then he found leaves and tried to eat them.

But even taking leaves away couldn't destroy his mood. :)


  1. Looks like Benhamin is having a GREAT time! I'm glad his onesies are fitting well, even if his sizing is a little ahead of schedule.

  2. It's been fun to see how John dresses Ben, since I'm usually the one getting him ready in the mornings at home. I've already seen different combinations of stuff than I've put together. :)

  3. I was wondering if John dressed him. It's quite the combo to have red sparkly barrel of monkeys with plaid shorts :) Thank goodness his "shoes" match his shirt though.
