Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hola from Uruguay…again!

Field season 3 has officially started! We landed in Montevideo the other day, greeted by sunshine and blue skies. We had a brief break at the local office while we waited for our ride who would take us north – and enjoyed the views from the 18th floor.

La Corona is as awesome as ever. We were greeted with hugs, and ushered into our rooms, which had all been updated since I was here last time. There are more decorations than before, and additional daybed-style couches in the rooms instead of standard twin beds.

Sonia worked hard on our first dinner, serving us homemade ham and cheese raviolis with a pesto cream and mushroom sauce. It was so good, and it felt nice to be encouraged in to a carb coma after all the traveling.

For dessert she made Islas, which is like a dense meringue topped with syrup. She then made an orange sauce to drizzle over the top.

I’m going to now retire happily to bed, enjoying a belly full of good food. Tomorrow we’ll check out some field sites, meet Sonia and Luana’s horses, and hopefully be caught up on our rest.


  1. Hi Laura, sounds like a great trip! Glad you hear you made it safe and sound. Keep up the great visuals.

  2. can you email some of that dessert to me?

  3. I'm very happy to see you made it safe and sound! I can't wait to get there too!
