Saturday, October 30, 2010

Almuerzos a La Corona

We’ve been enjoying some awesome food lately, and were fortunate enough to have lunch at the house our first two days here while we were getting things organized and getting ourselves settled. I think Sonia is cooking many of the meals she knows I like, and we’ve been happy to eat up the meals she’s served. On Wednesday for lunch, she served us roast beef with the simple potato salad I’ve recreated at home. The beef was good, and the salad is so simple and delicious.

To follow up our lunch, we had gelado with a wafer cookie. The gelado is always layered with different flavors – I think this one is chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and dulce de leche. She then of course drizzled the gelado with two chocolate sauces and a blueberry sauce.

On Thursday, we had more beef, but this time it was stewed in tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots. We ladled this on top of yellow rice, which tasted reminiscent of a chicken style rice a roni. It was really good together, and the stewed tomatoes hit the spot.

We then had THE BEST DESSERT EVER. Whoever first thought up the concept of homemade crepes filled with dulce de leche is an absolute genius.

We are now relegated to mostly field lunches. Today we had Milanese sandwiches (Uruguayan chicken fried steak) with tomato, lettuce, and mayonnaise, which definitely beats typical field lunch food back home – like peanut butter and jelly or tuna sandwiches. We’re now devising a plan about running around the study plots each time we finish so we can actually attempt to work off all the wonderful food.


  1. I'm thinking we should have another asado....with a dessert buffet!

  2. Looks really good. I can almost taste it.
    Now I'm hungry.

  3. You had me at Crepes! Delicious!
