Friday, April 30, 2010

Los Animales y los Insectos

We’ve enjoyed our livestock companionship out in the field, and lately we’ve had a bit of variety. As entertaining as the sheep are on our drive to field sites, and cows in our field sites, it’s nice to see other things, too.

Occasionally a small group of horses will slowly wander through a site while we quietly sample vegetation. They talk a lot less then the cows tend to, and they move through a site before you realize.

On the way out the other day, we happened upon two donkeys near a plantation manager’s house. They stood in the middle of the road for some time, and only wandered away after we got out of the truck to see if we could approach them. There’s something very funny about their mohawk.

This morning, the light was just right and the dew was still around, and we could easily see the many spider webs in the tall grassland plants. They are pretty cool looking up close, and in a few we found the resident at home.

We were also greeted by this praying mantis on the running board of our truck after lunch. He seemed pretty docile, and just bounced around before exploring Scott’s hand.


  1. As much as I hate spiders, that's an awesome looking (and huge!) spider web.

    So, is Scott shaking hands with the praying mantis?
