Sunday, April 18, 2010

Los Gatitos

The kittens that were born before our arrival for our last trip are now about seven months old and pretty entertaining. The mama cat is missing, but the two kittens spend their days stalking and pouncing on each other, and exploring La Corona. They also will dart into the guest part of the estate house whenever they get the chance. I’ve found each cat in the living room now, and when Sonia enters the room looking for them, she lets out an exasperated sigh and laughs. They have been fascinated by our backpacks and shoes on the porch, and love to “help” us work, especially with grass samples.

The grey cat, Laísa, is friendly, and purrs right away when you pick it up. The other cat then gets jealous and walks over for attention. The black and white cat, Tontin, which is very close to Tonto, because the cat isn’t too sharp. We think it looks remarkably like a certain German dictator, but we haven’t actually mentioned this yet to Sonia.

Meanwhile, Ton growls at us just for glancing in his direction.

And I will now end this short post before people start thinking I’m a crazy cat lady. J


  1. I think you should use a sharpy and just finish the mustache with some nice curls on each end, like a big handlebar mustache.

  2. "start" thinking you're a crazy cat lady

  3. I bet Tontin and Callie would get along great!

    I suppose I can't make fun of you for being the crazy cat lady when I'm right up there with you....and I don't even have any cats!
