Sunday, April 25, 2010

El Sol y el Campo

The other day we awoke to a beautiful sunrise. The weather the night before got extremely cold – I even added another blanket to the bed. The reason it got so cold was that the sky was incredibly clear, and still was in the morning. We took some time to enjoy the sun (and also let it warm up a bit before we spent a day in the field).

We had a productive day in the field, collecting data on some of my permanent exclosure sites. Sonia asked us in the morning if a salad was okay, and to that we said yes. She also showed us an old dishwasher soap container and herb container that she had filled with olive oil and salt, respectively, to dress the salad. Then she came out with two yogurt containers, saying inside was dessert for each of us.

Once it was time for lunch, we opened the cooler and found out, to our surprise, that “salad” is a loose term. In a small casserole dish was a huge medley of things: sliced tomatoes, hard boiled eggs on top of beans, tuna, and carrots and potatoes. All of these, of course, were topped with fresh parsley. She also included two plates and a couple forks, so we dished ourselves up an enjoyed another lunch out in the field. We then opened the yogurt containers to find canned peaches for dessert. Not quite the same as the typical field food of basic sandwiches and granola bars…

That was for you Trish. :)

1 comment:

  1. Those are some nice pics of the sunrise! And it looks like you lucked out on the salad, it’s a little nicer then the cereal I've been eating when I don't feel like cooking anything :)
