Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Un poco mas trabaje

We still have a little work left to do, and it feels like we're quickly running out of time. We have less than a week left of our trip, and days seem to be flying by even faster than they were before.

We're in the wrap-up phase of field work, taking basic measurements and field notes of each sites, and preparing to leave them for an indefinite amount of time, as this is my last field season for my dissertation. We worked quickly in two field sites yesterday before heading into town to buy field supplies for a small side project and grabbing a lunch in the city.

We worked quickly and collected all the data we had planned - estimates on tree density and basal area, canopy cover, and temperature monitor offloading within each plot at each site. It seems we all had motivations for working quickly so we could get into town.

For some of us, it's the prospect of a nice glass of wine with a great meal.

For others, it's simply a plate full of beef (moments after this photo was taken, the subject could be seen with his mouth full of steak and his eyes closed in pure contentment).

And still for others, it's the delicious dessert at the end of the meal. We split this lemon meringue pie between the three of us, mostly because we didn't want to get too full before we went to the helado place in town, an excursion we've been planning for days.

Life is good. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,

    Pretty nice looking pine plantation - you'll have to give me the details when you get back. The food looks great...and John looks like he is really enjoying it!

