Friday, April 22, 2011

Mas tormentas

We're getting a lot of thunderstorms this week, which apparently is tradition - Easter week is usually a wet one. On Wednesday, we met some local employees and got started on some more temperature monitor deployment, which was great, and then our plan was to head out and do some vegetation surveys. However, the sky was quickly getting dark.

As we got closer to the field site, the sky rapidly turned charcoal grey, rain pelted down, and the thunder started. We figured it may be a good time to not be out in the field. High winds, potential flash flooding, and lightening strikes don't really mesh too well with field work in forest/grassland habitats.

I got a few office things done and got caught up on labeling and sorting plant photos. But the greatest benefit to dealing with storms here is the comfort food that you get at dinner. Behold homemade ravioli, made with a dough akin to gnocchi, filled with ham and cheese, and covered with a mushroom cream sauce.

I will admit I had at least half this serving plate. It was hard to stop eating it. :)


  1. What's that hill in the distance? Can you climb/hike up it?

  2. The hill is called a cerro - just a rocky outcrop with a flat top. They are pretty common around here and are some sort of geological formation. I don't quite understand them, and the only time I've heard them explained was in Spanglish, so I don't have a great grasp of their origin.

    Hopefully this trip will will climb to the top of one of them. There is one up north with pretty good access, and there are actually signs on the road leading drivers to it, as a photo op.

    By the way, thanks for being diligent with the comments. It's nice to feel loved. ;)

  3. Looks delicious! I can't stop drooling over all of these food pics.... oh! and the landscape ones are amazing too! ;)
