Thursday, December 2, 2010

Un Otro Almuerzo en el Campo

We had a field lunch the other day that pretty much blew our typical field lunches back home (e.g., peanut butter and jelly) out of the water.

Sonia fried up one large patty for each of us, which was a mixture of rice, ham, and fresh herbs and enough egg to bind it together. Topped with in-season tomato slices, this was pretty awesome.

I think it may be Sonia's mission to make us not want to ever come home. For "lunch" dessert (as opposed to our "dinner" dessert with which we finish each evening), she packed us each a treat in margarine tubs.

I was excited to see not margarine, but chocolate pudding. It was kept cool by being surrounded with frozen water bottles inside our cooler. Apparently cookies are not good enough for our lunches anymore.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure this is the only field season in which you actually gain weight. According to Sonia, that's okay for me, since I'm married - I can go ahead and be fat. So I guess I'll start letting myself go! :)


  1. Chocolate pudding! It's so much simpler than the other desserts you usually have, but it sounds ridiculously good right now. Mmmmm.

    Thank goodness we're married and can get fat from yummy food!

  2. Maybe you should share Sonia's comment with Kike and get his opinion.

    Pobre John worked so hard to be fit for his bride.
