Monday, May 24, 2010

Mis Padres

I’ve had some extra help arrive, armed with temperature sensors, rain gear, and a penchant for good food. I picked them up at the bus station about a week ago, after having a near miss of them getting off one stop to early. Luckily, one of the bus staff told them “No, no!” and waved them back on the bus. When they arrived at the Tacuarembó bus station, he gave them a thumbs up to indicate this was the place they wanted to be.

They’ve helped a lot at the field sites, with installing ibuttons and using GPS to mark locations of all my research plots and the fences built around them. Rain or shine, they are happy to help.

Their willingness to help might be due to the fact that we have been enjoying some awesome dinners here at the house. They’ve now had an asado dinner, as well as homemade ravioli, and some great desserts.

In addition, we usually make it back to the house for lunch. Just yesterday we enjoyed homemade gnocchi with tomato sauce, and then had dessert as well. It’s a little hard to get motivated after lunch, but I guess that’s the price we pay for good food.

1 comment:

  1. Hey look, it's Mom and Dad in Uruguay! Yay! I'm so glad they went down there and can't wait for you guys to get back so I can hear some fun stories.
