Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fantabulous food...

Yesterday may have been my favorite day, food-wise. Perhaps it even made up for the crappy weather and site flooding that we experienced. Because it was so cold and wet, Sonia made us an awesome lentil stew, complete with beef and sweet potato, and served over rice. I think I can safely say that this meal will stay in my top favorites for this stay.

I really wish lentils and stew photographed better, because they never look appealing. I'll refrain from describing how this dish was much better in person than the gross appearance it seems to have in the photo, and just say it was delicious.

Sonia pulled Scott and I into the kitchen in the afternoon to show us all the ravioli she had made. We were having company again, so she was back in her formal wear, doing more elaborate dinners. For last night, she made homemade pasta dough, and then stuffed it with minced ham and cheese.

After they were cooked, she served each of us a plate of ravioli topped with a basil cream sauce. We then topped our plates with generous helpings of salty shredded parmesan cheese. They were delicious, and most of us had seconds. I counted, and I think Sonia actually put together 88 ravioli. I'm not sure what she does with the leftovers, but I'd be happy to enjoy them for another meal.For the grand finale, Sonia made flan. It was especially good, and is always better with a spoonful of dulce de leche, which she served with it. Yum...


  1. This reminded me of making ravioli with you a year or two ago....except for the fact that we only made about 16 instead of 88! Can you bring Sonia home with you? We have a spare bedroom she could stay in for free if she cooks our meals.

  2. If you ask nicely, she may make your bed, clean your bathroom, and launder your clothes, too. She's awesome like that. ;)

  3. All this food talk is making me hungry.
    We'll probably have to come to your house for Sunday dinners the year or so to be able to try all the new dishes you'll be making.

    Can't wait,
