Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We ventured up to Artigas for a day trip, and ended up repeating a lot of what I had done the previous time in Artigas (but with different results). We went to Don Pedro for lunch, and thoroughly enjoyed some pasta and asado offerings. Turns out that beef kabobs with filet mignon cuts are awesome, as well as blood sausage. I think we all have enough iron content at this point.

After doing some actual shopping, we then tried out our scouting skills and attempted to find cool amathyst and agate rocks along some of the country roads. Unlike last time, we actually had great success with this, and now feel slightly like dumbasses for spending money on the same things (although the quality differs a bit as well as the cool cuts).

We ended filling our truck bed with many rocks, and then splitting them open and cleaning them up back at the house. We left most at the house, quietly decorating the entire place before telling Sonia that they are all for them and can do what they like. She said she'd take some to their house in town to decorate. We took some for us, and now are finding creative ways to pack our luggage. At this point our carry-ons are heavier than our checked luggage, and when someone makes a joke about our heavy luggage being full of rocks, we can actually say, "Yes, in fact, that is what we packed."

1 comment:

  1. I think that's the only picture of food you've posted that has made me a bit nauseous (not because of the kabobs).
