Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The preliminary trip

My first trip to Uruguay occurred earlier this year, for 10 days. The basic premise was to see a variety of field sites (native grassland, grazed grassland, young forest, older forest) and understand the local issues of afforestation (establishing tree plantations where they haven't existed before).
Some highlights of my first trip, and things I'm looking forward to when I go back include:

meeting the local wildlife (these guys graze in the forests and adjacent grasslands throughout our study sites);

meeting more of the local wildlife (besides cattle, sheep are also common across the landscape);

and still more of the local wildlife, although these guys are completely skittish;

seeing the variety of vegetation across the landscape;

eating great food (and LOTS of protein, which means I'll be vegetable-deprived when I get back home);

and lounging in Montevideo.